Development workflow#

Author Audun Skau Hansen ✉️

The Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences, 2022

For the time being, content is prepared as Jupyter Notebooks and stiched together using the Jupyter Books extension (pip install jupyter-books). I propose the following workflow:

  1. Clone the repository’s main branch git clone -b main

  2. Execute jupyter notebook from the project folder. New notebooks can be added inside the docs-folder.

  3. Edit and add notebooks to the document structure.

  4. In order to try out your additions, run jupyter books build from outside the project folder. Open the output file in the browser to inspect additions.

  5. When ready to submit, you’ll have to update the _toc.ylm file in the projects root folder to include the added documents.

  6. Then, updarte both the main branch (internal) and the gh-pages-branch (visible online). First, update the repository:

    • (from inside folder) git add/commit/pull/push your files.

  7. Findally, update the online pages:

    • (from inside the folder) ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html